Wednesday 1 June 2011


Calendula all purpose healing cream . Heals cuts, bruises and wounds, rashes, burns and scalds. Its herbal antiseptic properties gives total skin care naturally

Tropical acne, infantile acne, acne vulgaris or acne due to hormonal disturbance. Regular use can make the complexion fair and lovely. Further it can vanish the spot on the skin which may develop due to acne and pimples

Few drops rubbed regularly into the scalp stimulate circulation, nourish the starving hair and relieve tension. Also prevents hairfall and clears dandruff.

Eczema cause itching, redness & some will blister, weep or peel. Skin allergic condition may show vesicles, thickened skin, itchy & pustular. Inflamed skin, redness, blisters inside the elbows, back of the knees and on the face etc. may be controlled with this ointment.

Reminder- Totality of symptoms need to be provided to Homeopathy Keluarga Selayang for individualised treatment of chronic diseases.